Membership Information

Member Benefits

  • New members will be issued with a club top on joining the club to encourage them to compete in club colours.
  • You will be registered with England Athletics and gain discounted affiliated entry to some events
  • You will receive our weekly Newsletter including offers and discounts from commercial partners 
  • You will be able to join our weekly club runs and track sessions (there are no additional charges)
  • You can be added to our members only Facebook community
  • You can be added to our Whatsapp groups for similar paced runners to support/arrange adhoc or training runs
  • You can enter our free club handicap races over the summer
  • You can gain free entry to our local XC winter series races

Membership options:

New members

First claim (You belong to this club only, or we are your primary club) - £54

Second claim (You already belong to another England Athletics affiliated club, they are your primary club) - £44

  • Concessions exist for Members aged over 65
  • Please note that we are unable to accept members under the age of 18
  • Our membership year is April 1st to March 31st (concurrently with the England Athletics membership year)
  • New members can join at any time during the year and their membership will be valid until March 31 following the date of joining.

Annual Renewals

Existing First claim members - £35

Existing Second claim members - £25

Lapsed & rejoining members

Where your membership has lapsed, or you have failed to renew your membership you will need to rejoin as a new member, though please note you will not receive a club top

How to Join

Simply create a login on the website, complete the required information and pay the membership fee

Fees can be paid online or by bank transfer

Our bank account details for payments are: 

Lloyds Bank sort code 30-91-31 account number 02576009

Account name Bracknell Forest Runners

If you pay by transfer please ensure that you include your name in the reference so we can allocate correctly.

    If you require any further information or advice, please contact one of the committee members or come down to see us at one of our regular sessions.
